2010-2016 NanoNextNL


NanoNextNL was the Dutch national research and technology programme for micro and nano technology that started in 2010. The Programme consisted of 10 themes and the Valorisation Programme. There were three different types of themes: general themes, application themes and risk analysis and technology assessment. The program was completed in 2016 and has continued to 2020 for dissemination and networking activities.


The programme consisted of 10 themes and the Valorisation Programme. All NanoNextNL projects fell within 28 programmes, which in turn are part of the 10 themes and the Valorisation Programme. The themes:

  1. Risk analysis and technology assessment
  2. Energy
  3. Nanomedicine
  4. Clean water
  5. Food
  6. Beyond Moore
  7. Nano materials
  8. Bio-nano
  9. Nano fabrication
  10. Sensors and actuators

and the Valorisation programme

In the NanoNextNL program a number of projects was started and lead to innovative science and application. Below you will find a number of examples of projects from the NanoNextNL program in the main Nano4Society themes.





Beyond Moore

Chip technology


Holland High Tech Japan trade mission 2017


The program NanoNextNL was run from 2010-2016 and was evaluated as highly succesful.

The number of scientific publications and presentations of very high quality and the direct economic impact via larger private partners, but also the relationship with sub-programs in the field of network formation, risk and implementation aspects (RATA), education of researchers and entrepreneurs and valorisation through start-up up development are unique in the Dutch public-private landscape.2016 and had a very succesful evaluation.