About Nano4Health

Nanotechnology, a key enabling technology at the foundation of the Health sector. Nanotechnlogy contributes to a broad spectrum of applications in this sector, from enhancing drug development to the development of point-of-care products for decentralized diagnostics to a DNA analysis (next gen sequencing).

Specific challenges

Nanotechnology has a huge societal and economic impact. Thanks to a good organizational structure The Netherlands have reached an international lead position in the area of nanotechnology. The Dutch government has also been made aware of the importance and impact of nanotechnology on the Health sector. Companies that make use of micro- and nanotechnology (nano inside) in the Health domain, are most typically in the scale-up phase of development and have applications both in the domestic and global domain.

Examples of solutions in Nano4Health will follow soon.

Benefits & applications

Nanotechnology is already being used in the Health sector. Consider for example personalised medicine, pre-screening of patients in a home situation, the smartphone as a personal medical assistant, organ-on-a-chip research technology, neural prostheses, societal reintegration of chronic patients (for example with the use of a wearable artificial kidney or insulin equipment for diabetic patients), monitoring of food.

Nanotech enabled solutions will ensure that people can live longer with a higher quality of life, taking caring of themselves and living in their own home. Personalized care can be delivered by medical measuring and monitoring instruments. Also, nanotechnology will enable the individual specific medication and solutions to target drug delivery much more efficient, for example by use of localized chemotherapy.

Viralert Initiative

Viralert Initiative: COVID-19 Tests

Improved SARS-COV-2 test strategies for virus RNA and antibodies to screen the population for immunity

The project partners aimed to create two program lines for testing. One aiming at improving the test strategies for the virus when no antibodies are present yet. Second route is implementing tests that test for the antigens when the virus is gone but immunity is there in case a person has recovered from the virus.

Read more about the Viralert Initiative

More information

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