The research and innovation programme NanoNextNL has built up a unique and vibrant nano/microtechnology ecosystem at a scale that has never been achieved in any technical field in the Netherlands. This is one of the main conclusions of the final End Term Report of NanoNextNL, which was published last month. The updated End Term Report (2017) shows new achievements of the NanoNextNL programme (2010-2016) regarding science, valorisation and responsible innovation.

Highlights NanoNextNL programme as presented in End Term Report 2017 (click to enlarge image)

Increase in scientific output

Since its start in 2010, NanoNextNL has created a very large knowledge base in nano/microscience and technology as demonstrated in the preliminary End Term Report published in 2016. The recently published update shows an increased output in science:

  • Over 1250 peer-reviewed publications
  • Over 130 PhD theses; little short of 100 still to be published
  • Over 150 publications with an impact factor > 10
  • All NanoNextNL themes performed above world-average regarding citations
  • At least 95 granted EU projects
  • Already 127 unique patents

The updated NanoNextNL Research Appendix (2017) provides detailed information about the scientific output.

Achievements in valorisation

One important mission of the NanoNextNL programme has been to foster the transfer of knowledge from nanoscience and technology into new applications and business. This focus on valorisation has resulted in the following achievements:

  • 24 start-ups benefitted from NanoNextNL
  • 18 start-ups emerged from NanoNextNL
  • 86 demonstrators were developed
  • Average Technology Readiness Level (TRL) rose from 4.9 to 6.9
    • TRL 4.9: the stage of technology development – validation in a lab environment
    • TRL 6.9: the stage of system development – a system/prototype is tested in the relevant working environment
  • Over 50% of the participants in the Valorisation Programme have:
    • Found new funding
    • Acquired a client or potential client
    • An estimated market value that remained stable or grew
  • The patent-over-budget-filing ratio was 15 times higher than the average within the EU FP 7 programme (normalised by the total budget of NanoNextNL)


Safe-by-Design innovation

Risk Analysis and Technology Assessment (RATA) has been strongly integrated with the NanoNextNL research and development programme, bringing responsible research and Safe-by-Design innovation into practice, also in the development of new businesses. Tools for the detection of nanomaterials and understanding mechanisms of (eco)toxicity were developed to support new regulations and develop international policy. Since 2016 the following results were achieved:

  • A toolbox for technology assessment for researchers and technology developers is freely available:
  • The RATA research theme participated in about 30 EU projects
  • Researchers from the programme have supported the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice by investigating the significance of nanotechnology for civil security applications

Read more about the Safe-by-Design tools here

Follow-up to NanoNextNL

The successful NanoNextNL integrated approach involves strongly interlinked programmes composed of collaborative projects between academic and industrial partners. Using this method in a follow-up programme will guarantee a high-return-on investment for Dutch industry and society, and provides an efficient and effective road towards a more sustainable society. The Board of NanoNextNL is now holding discussions with private partners and government ministries to explore the possibilities of a follow-up programme targeting these goals. Researchers from NanoNextNL are active within two routes of the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA) and have taken the leading role in the route ‘Quantum/nanorevolution’ and the route ‘Materials – Made in Holland’.

About NanoNextNL

A total of 13 universities, 8 medical centres, 12 knowledge institutes and 110 industrial partners have collaborated within NanoNextNL (2010-2016). Since its start in 2010 the research and innovation programme has created a very large knowledge base in nano/microscience and technology, involving over 750 researchers. Together with universities and companies, the Dutch government has invested € 251 million in NanoNextNL.

Read more

• NanoNextNL End Term Report (2017)
• NanoNextNL Eindrapport (2017)
• NanoNextNL Updated Research Appendix (2017)
• Overview of Safe-by-Design tools
• Leaflet Maatschappelijk relevant innoveren met technologische publiek-private samenwerkingen (2017)

A recently developed toolbox for Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) makes it possible to consider certain aspects of research and innovation at an early stage. By integrating the economic, societal, ethical and legal aspects early in the development process the technological uptake and societal embedding will be increased. By using the CTA toolbox researchers are also capable of enriching and directing their own research. Furthermore, the alignment of scientific and technological advances with values, needs and expectations of society is stimulated in various research programmes, often labelled as Responsible Research and Innovation or Safe-by-Design. Not just researchers but also technology developers and engineers working in technical research projects can benefit from the toolbox. The CTA toolbox is developed by researcher Verena Schulze Greiving (University of Twente) within the NanoNextNL programme.

Relevant for researchers

The ‘toolbox’ is relevant for researchers interested in learning about socio-technical integration approaches and who want to integrate them in their work. This can for instance be:

  • a PhD researcher or PostDoc
  • a technology developer or an engineer
  • a Bachelor or Master student focusing on a particular project or technology
  • a senior researcher exploring the potential of a new research field.

Available tools

The tools have been selected because of their suitability to be integrated in laboratory practices and range from desk-top analyses to highly interactive settings such as a workshop. To identify tools of your interest, the CTA toolbox provides an overview with a short description and key characteristics of each component . All of the six available tools are supplied with a set of examples, practical considerations and implementation and literature.

Available tools in the CTA toolbox:

Read more

Recently the Rathenau Instituut published the report ‘Van draagvlak naar meer – Ontwerp van een maatschappelijke incubator voor beloftevolle (nano)technologieën’ which deals with the concept of a societal incubator. The idea behind a societal incubator is how to connect safe and responsible use to innovation and engineering. Within NanoNextNL the idea of a societal incubator explores the benefits and applicability of an equivalent of a business incubator, combined with the value of open dialogues and participants eager to give shape to Safe-by-Design. The Rathenau Instituut’s report describes how a societal incubator could contribute to successful introductions of innovations, including those using nanotechnology.

Click image to enlarge infographic about Safe-by-Design tools, amongst which the societal incubator (infographic by Ymke Pas)

Valorising a good idea

Within the NanoNextNL research and innovation programme extra attention is given to risk analysis and technology assessment. The idea of the societal incubator as an equivalent to a business incubator was put forward by professor Harro van Lente (Maastricht University) during a Risk Analysis and Technology Assessment theme meeting dedicated to investigate how safe and responsible use can be connected to innovation and engineering.
The history to the research of the Rathenau Instituut was an innovation path in itself, from idea towards proof-of-concept. It demonstrates that it takes many actors working together to valorise a good idea. The NanoNextNL network and support by its Executive Board member dr. Frans Kampers provided the ingredients to bring this idea a step further through the execution of two pilot societal incubator workshops.

On 9 November 2016 a Safe-by-Design workshop was organised by NanoNextNL and RIVM. The aim of the workshop was to explore what Safe-by-Design could yield. The concept of Safe-by-Design aims to integrate safe manufacturing, safe production and responsible waste management in the research and technical development during the innovation process at the earliest possible. The participants of the workshop agreed on the importance of Safe-by-Design whereby a timely dialogue between relevant stakeholders is started early on in the innovation process. Speakers included experts from the I&M ministry, RIVM, start-ups and TNO (see the programme, in Dutch only).

Safe-by-Design as a safety net

Participants also stated that Safe‐by‐Design should provide a safety net for several stakeholders, such as:
• for innovators to avoid confrontation with regulatory issues later on in the process
• for investors and insurers to minimize uncertainty about health risks
• for regulators to minimize casualties
• for society to provide access to safe products.

The participants highly valued the workshop and a follow-up is considered to be very useful.
More details of the lively and constructive discussions between policy makers, researchers and nanotech companies & start-ups can be found in the report Safe-by-Design workshop November 2016.

Infographic Safe-by-Design

Read more

Report Safe-by-Design workshop November 2016

Programme Safe-by-Design workshop November 2016 (in Dutch only)